Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I Take Me

A man's burgeoning sense of self brings him to face his worst fears: that he can't marry himself.

What does he do to marry himself? How does he fall in love in the first place? What's the courtship like? And the fights...


Indeterminacy said...

He goes on a binge, ordering sculptures, show-room dummies, and ceramic images of himself, along with posters and mirrors, stocking them up in his home. He admires himself until finding the perfect image. As he tries to consummate his self-performed wedding ceremony he begins to lose a grip on his identity and can no longer distinguish himself form the images, wherease the images begin to take on mental life and eventuall abandon him to lie naked, in a foetal position, whimpering on the floor.

Indeterminacy said...

I think this story goes well with the limiline.